Field trips can involve four stages of learning for our students. ICL can support all the stages. In Stage 1, we can provide books, articles from databases, Web sites, videos and when visiting museums, a review of its Web site. Carefully crafted questions help students use research skills to begin their understanding of what they will experience during the field trip. By building their foundation knowledge, they are able to make the most of their time on the excursion.
During Stage 2, the students take their trip. This is when they can experience the roles of photographer, videographer, reporter, and/or subject matter expert who gathers information. Student learning can be amplified when they work individually or in teams to use cameras and/or iPads to take photos and videos. They can play the role of reporter being video recorded to explain museum exhibits, give details on a site they are visiting, etc. Internet connected mobile devices provide students instant access to further information as questions come up during the visit. Stage 3 of the learning occurs when students return from the trip to begin processing the information they gathered. Technology supports collaboration when using information storage and storyboarding resources like Google Docs, Mindmeister, and Padlet. Stage 4 engages the students to report their learning depending on the teacher assigned assessment.
Connecting students to other societies through geography can be supported through tools like Google Maps and Google Earth so check the next section on "Geography Connections".
There are so many museum Web sites that offer rich student learning opportunities. Here are a few resources:
- Project Mash to Connect Museums and Other After School Learning Opportunities
- 77 Online Museums
- SmartHistory of Art thought the Ages
- Smithsonian Quests Inspiring Students to Explore, Connect and Learn
A few possible projects and tools to support field trips:
- Connected Classroom which provide virtual field trips via Google+
- Creation of a Virtual Exhibit using student recorded images and video to display them with tools such as Google Earth and Sites. Take a look at several examples using a variety of presentation tools.
- Documentary using student recorded images and video of their in person visit or online visit
- Newscast using student recorded images and video of their in person visit or online visit
- Online or In Person Presentation of a field trip using Tool from our Presentation Technology Matrix
- Take Google Photo Sphere photos with Bubbli app on iPad/iPhone or Google Camera app on Android to contribute toGoogle Views
- Pull image of art from the museum collections in Google Cultural Institute for virtual tours that students can create within the Web site